Thursday 18 October 2012

Fundraising event at St Leonards Church, Deal - 13th October 2012

Sunshine Ukes playing at St Leonards Church, Deal on 13th October 2012.

This evening concert was a fundraising event organised by Lynda Borley.

There were several local musicians performing; and it was great to see and hear Steve O'Kane & Fiona McBain again.

It was a brilliant evening!

The Unicorn, Bekesbourne - 27th August 2012

Sunshine Ukes playing at The Unicorn in Bekesbourne on 27th August 2012.

This was a local festival run by Adrian O, and included many great performances by local musicians.

Astor Beer Festival, Deal - 17th August 2012

This was the debut performance of Sunshine Ukes at the Astor Theatre, Deal on 17th August 2012.

This was part of the Astor Beer Festival.

It was great that we had the t-shirts ready in time.

Busking - a great chance to practise songs

Busking seems to be a great way to practise songs in public.

During July and August 2012 was a good opportunity as we were collecting and raising awareness of the Deal Maritime Folk Festival to be held in September.

What great fun!

Early performances at Friday Folk Club, Deal

Everyone wanted to play their ukuleles more often, so it was decided to start performing at the Folk Club.

This is a few of the group playing at the club.

The start of Sunshine Ukes - 5th February 2012

We started off as a group of people wanting to play some songs on the ukulele.

First get together session was at the Royal Marines Association Club, The Strand, Deal on 5th February 2012.

It was quite evident that we all really wanted to play a lot more often, so we agreed to start performing at the Friday Folk Club in Deal.